What Is Confirmation? The Sacrament of Confirmation…
Welcomes us and deepens our belonging to the faith community
Deepens our relationship with God, as the Creator, Redeemer, and Spirit
Strengthens us as disciples
A Sacrament is part of the way that God loves us and calls us
The Gift within confirmation is that of strengthening us for discipleship and deepening our belonging to the faith community through the Trinity.
God uses visible signs to communicate invisible love… To communicate God’s love, God uses our senses: eyes, ears, touch, smell, and taste, and all elements within our world.
In confirmation, the symbols we will celebrate include being anointed with oil and the laying on of hands by the bishop as we remember the water of baptism and the nourishment of the Eucharist.
God calls and invites; we respond. An attitude of openness communicates a “yes” to God’s invitation to a deeper relationship. This “yes” does not mean we know that we will always be faithful or that we are worthy of the gift. “Yes” means we are open to being strengthened by God who calls and loves us.
In confirmation, we have the opportunity to say “yes” though the various responses in the prayers.
The community witnesses to and celebrates the sacraments. A sacrament is a powerful sign that God is alive and present in the world. As a Church, we are called to be sacraments, that is, to be God’s hand and healing touch in the world. At the same time, we celebrate the sacraments as our most important prayers. This community that celebrates sacraments is global, reaching to other faith communities throughout the world and joined in a common bond. The community is also local, such as a diocese or archdiocese, a parish, and as a community of faith in families.
In confirmation, the community witnesses our celebration and provides a sponsor who represents the love of the community for us.
Confirmation welcomes us as a Sacrament of Initiation.
Confirmation is linked to baptism and the Eucharist.
Confirmation is part of our initiation into the faith community.
Confirmation honors the spiritual maturity of the individual.
We are confirmed in the name of God the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation is part of the welcoming initiative of God the Creator.
Confirmation unites us more firmly to Christ.
Confirmation strengthens us with the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation strengthens us for discipleship, mission, and witness to our faith.
Confirmation empowers us to be a witness for our faith.
Confirmation links us to the ministry of Christ and mission of the Church.
Confirmation initiates us into the adventure of discipleship.
Preparation for Confirmation is a time of conversion, which includes celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation.
Confirmation is a celebration of the community of faith.
Confirmation joins us to the ministering community.
Confirmation is received by individuals and celebrated by the community.
Preparation awakens a sense of belonging to the universal Church and local parish.
Preparation includes choosing a sponsor who represents the wider faith community.
Preparation provides an opportunity to partner with families as communities of faith.