The Sacred Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church provide the foundation of the catechetical instruction of the Totus Tuus summer program. Thus, Totus Tuus divides the four pillars of the Catechism into a six-year teaching cycle.
Day Program: Entering grades K-6
Evening Program: Entering Grades 7-12
Participants will grow in their faith through skits, games, songs, the celebration of the sacraments, and engaging, interactive teaching.
Hosted at 30 parishes, a Totus Tuus team of four college students and seminarians will inspire our young people with their energy and enthusiasm for the Catholic faith. They bring to our parish a zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and a missionary spirit. Their joy is contagious and will remind us that Jesus “came that we might have life and have it more abundantly” (Jn. 10:10).
The Totus Tuus program is built upon five pillars: love for the Eucharist, Marian devotion, authentic catechesis, Christian vocations, and fun! Our hope is to deepen the relationship our young people have with the Lord Jesus, while showing them how exciting a lifetime adventure with the Lord can be.
A Totus Tuus promise: If you can convince your kids to come the first day, we promise you they’ll want to come back the next day!